Ivo Gonzales - Email:
- ivo.gonzales@usp.br
Texas A&M University from August 2011 to February 2012
“Howdy! Participating in the FIPSE/CAPES Exchange Program at Texas A&M was one of the greatest experiences of my life. The lectures, laboratories, facilities, and professors are of first quality, and I was provided continuous support throughout. Learning Food Safety, Meat Science and U.S. Beef Cattle Production and Management will help me as a future professional and allowed me to see other aspects of the food supply chain. Above all, the people I met during my stay in Texas will forever remain a part of me. I am thankful for the support I received from my college, USP-FZEA, from Texas A&M University, and from FIPSE/CAPES. Spending the Fall 2011 semester in Aggieland has been a huge learning experience for me and I will carry what I have learned for a lifetime.”