Leandro Fragoso Lins
California Polytechnic State University from September 2010 to June 2011
“Leaving my university and my country, and participating in the FIPSE-CAPES exchange program was a challenge met. Arriving in the United States, studying at Cal Poly (one of the best public universities in the country with the largest dairy science program), and having the opportunity to work at the Dairy Products Technology Center as one of five dairy centers of excellence was wonderful. I just have to say, thank you so much. For nine months, I believe I fulfilled my goals and I had a wonderful life experience. I took five courses of dairy science, had individual study in the laboratory, participated in events, attended conferences and visited large dairy farms. All gave me new knowledge about American milk production and dairy products that greatly improved my Animal Science career. Also, the experience of living in another country that everyone talks about but only you can feel its ups and downs and the challenges that teach you and show that, more than accumulated scientific knowledge, you gained new concepts of life. I grew with a different intensity and now I feel like a new person. I am forever grateful for all the challenges I faced, for everything I did, for all those people I met, for all the help I received and for all the things I learned. Things that are just details when you have a sunrise.”