Gleise Medeiros - Email:
- medeirosgleise@gmail.com
Texas A&M University, From August 2012 to February 2013
“Howdy! The program CAPES/FIPSE gave me the best experience that I could have in my life. Participating in this program opened my mind and expanded my knowledge. The time that I spent at Texas A&M University was absolutely wonderful and unforgettable; I loved the traditions and everything that makes you an Aggie. I cried, smiled, studied and I appreciated each moment in Aggieland. Studying at TAMU really improved my English and helped me learn more about Animal Science. I will never forget my friends that I have made from every place in the world and I will always be thankful for this opportunity. This experience will help me in my professional career and in my personal life and is one that I will always remember and recommend to every student… Gig ‘Em” Aggies!!”