Alyssa Word - Email:
- alyssaword@tamu.edu
Universidade de São Paulo/FZEA from February 2011 to July 2011
“I am so thankful I had the opportunity to participate in the FIPSE program. These few short months in Brazil have allowed me to broaden my horizons through getting to know a new language and culture. I have been able to build skills much needed in an agricultural job market, while getting to know more about international agriculture and production systems in Brazil. The general atmosphere of the people in Brazil have absolutely captured my heart, and the relationships I have built with my roommates and classmates are some I know I will continue to maintain. This program has been by far the greatest thing I have done in my academic career-and that’s not to mention how much it has absolutely changed my life. I have experienced a major personal growth here and found a love for new languages, cultures, and international agriculture. Because I have fallen in love with the country, I know I will come back to Brazil someday; and I definitely encourage everyone to take advantage of this wonderful program.”